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Inspired by a long tradition of craftsmanship and quality in Italy, local artisans and Small Medium Enterprises have now increased their capacity through intelligence and technology.
We help these people to take full advantage of this by offering branding, product, and architectural design to bring their business opportunities to new and international markets.

We recognize the incredible capacity of knowhow and craft of local businesses and artisans and have helped multiple companies, large and small, to showcase their skill, their story, and their value to a wider market.

Interlocale Services:

  • Art Direction
  • Branding
  • Photography
  • Product Design
  • Architectural Design

selected works

For more information on any of the projects below please feel free to contact us

We connect


Italy —
Via A. Masini 12
40126 Bologna, Italy

Say Hello

+39 328 4596436


Interlocale © 2024. All Rights Reserved.